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Every Version Of The Joker Ranked From Worst To Best

The Joker is unquestionably one of the greatest villains in the history of comic books. Unfortunately, though, the character's track record outside the comics hasn't exactly been spotless. With over a dozen major appearances in TV, movies, and video games, the varied interpretations of the Clown Prince of Crime have cast a pretty wide net from amazing to terrible. Here's our ultimate guide to every version of the Joker, ranked from worst to best.

24. Scooby Doo Joker

Despite coming in dead last on our list, the version of the Joker that appeared on The New Scooby-Doo Movies isn't unforgivably terrible—he's just flat out boring, which might be an even bigger problem. Plus, he's a complete failure, as he can't manage to even scare Scooby-Doo, a character defined by being terrified of everything. The only thing that's really worth mentioning about him is that he was voiced by veteran comedian and actor Larry Storch, and let's be real here: that's only really interesting if you're the kind of person who likes to get into some hardcore trivia about the cast of F-Troop.

23. The New Adventures Of Batman Joker

If you ever want to develop a whole new appreciation for Batman: The Animated Series, take some time to head back to 1977 for The New Batman Adventures, which features some of the worst character redesigns ever. Amazingly, the Joker, who was voiced by Lennie Weinrib, managed to escape that particular flaw in the show, but "he looks a lot like he does in the comics" is about the only good thing you can say about him. His major accomplishment during the show's entire 16-episode run was losing an election for President of Criminals when the Penguin invented a mind-altering substance called "crime slime." If you can't win an election against the Penguin, what are you even doing?

22. Son of Batman Joker

In all honesty, we only included Dee Bradley Baker's turn as the Joker on this list in order to be as thorough as we can. That's not to knock the guy, but as the Joker's appearance in Son of Batman is limited to appearing as a shadow on a wall and letting out one laugh. But… it was a nice laugh at least?

21. Super Friends Joker

The Super Friends saga ran for eight years under various titles, but the Joker only ever appeared once, when the show was commonly known as the Super Powers Team, in 1985's "The Wild Cards," where he was voiced by Frank Welker. Unfortunately, his appearance was both minorand bizarre, with the Joker turning up as part of the playing card themed super villain team the Royal Flush Gang. He's not the team's Joker, though, he's actually disguised as the Ace. If your story calls for a chalk-white villain named after a playing card to dress up as a different chalk-white villain named after a playing card, may be things are getting a little needlessly complicated.

20. Young Justice Joker

You know those memes where they intentionally mix a bunch of geeky franchises in order to induce nerd rage? Well, the Young Justice version of the Joker feels a lot like that. He's the Joker, but he looks like David Tennantas the Doctor and is voiced by Brent Spiner from Star Trek: The Next Generation. It's not exactly terrible, but it's overshadowed by just about every other version of Joker ever.

19. LEGO Batman: DC Super Heroes Unite Joker

If you enjoyed the big-screen LEGO Batman movie, then we have good news and bad news. The good news is that there's already a second LEGO Batman movie you can watch—and in fact, it's been available on home video since 2013! But here's the bad news: It's actually just a collection of cut scenes from the LEGO Batman 2: DC Super-Heroes video game, thrown in with a few new scenes to recreate the events that happen when you actually play the game, alledited into a 71-minute "movie." It's actually not that bad, and Christopher Corey Smith gives a solid voice performance, even if it is just a standard riff on Mark Hamill's Joker.

18. The Dark Knight Returns Joker

To say the role of the Joker in an animated version of Frank Miller's classic The Dark Knight Returns presented a challenge is putting things pretty mildly. The character's arc went from catatonic to insanely murderous, requiring a ton of range. Person of Interest star Michael Emerson gave it a shot, but played it just a little too flat during the first parts of the Joker's journey. At the end, he ramps up to a satisfying fever pitch, but this one is a little too uneven to rank any higher.

17. LEGO Batman Video Games Joker

Steve Blum became the first actor to voice both Batman and The Joker in the first LEGO Batman game, but that accomplishment comes with an asterisk, because he had almost no dialogue. That changed in the second and third games, where the game designers decided to expand the dialogue in order to tell a more complexa nd rewarding story. Blum was replaced by Troy Baker for the role of Batman, but stayed on as the Joker, turning in a fine performance heavily influenced by Mark Hamill.

16. DC Super Friends short joker

When you're hiring someone to play the Joker, it stands to reason that two of the most important qualifications are going to be a morbid sense of humor and an insanely creepy laugh. If that's the case, you could do a hell of a lot worse than just going out and getting the guy who played the Crypt keeper on Tales From the Crypt. That's exactly what happened in 2010, when John Kassir lent his voice to a series of shorts packaged with Fisher-Price's line of Super Friends toys. Kassir does a good job of mixing up his performance, though it's still instantly recognizable to anyone who was a fan of the 80's HBO anthology. Which probably did not include any of the kids in the target audience. We hope.

15. DC Super Friends Joker

The Joker we're given in DC Super Friends is pretty great if only because of how much he clearly hates working with the other super villains. Voice actor Lloyd Floyd's audible eye rolling adds some fun nuance to a performance that's otherwise pretty much by the book. But hey: he does get bonus points for not copying Mark Hamill like so many others have done.

14. Suicide Squad Joker

First, you have get past a design that starts with a tattoo of the word "damaged" on his forehead and just spirals out from there until he looks like he should be performing along side Dark Lotus at this year's Gathering of the Juggalos. Then, you have to get past all the stories of Jared Leto going Method and sending his co-stars live rats, dead pigs, and used condoms. What you're left with is… well, not much of anything, really. For all the hype surrounding Leto's appearance as the Joker in Suicide Squad, it pretty much amounted to about ten minutes of screen time that were mostly there for Harley Quinn's origin story - and some ill-advised fan service.

13. Arkham: Origins Joker

When Arkham City was announced as Mark Hamill's final outing as the Joker, there was a pretty big problem. As Batman's arch-nemes is, the Clown Prince of Crime was definitely going to be in the next game, which told the story of an encounter much earlier in Batman's career. Thus, the role of the Joker fell to Troy Baker, and the problem here is obvious: he pretty much just did a dead-on impression of Hamill's Joker for the entire game. To be fair, he actually does a really good job of it, but a copy is just never going to beat the original.

12. Gotham's Jerome Valeska

The people behind Gotham clearly know that they can't really have the Joker show up years before Bruce Wayne becomes Batman on account of his origin story being so tightly inter twined, so they just went ahead and created a guy who isn't technically the Joker, but is definitely a maniacal super villain with a permanent rictusgrin who dresses as a circus clown and wants to sow chaos wherever he can. Cameron Monaghan's performance as Jerome Valeskais ridiculously compelling, and has made for some pretty wild television.

11. Arkham Series Joker

First things first: the Arkham franchise has produced some of the best video games in recent memory, and without question the best Batman games ever. Unfortunately, even though they got the legendary Mark Hamill to do the voice for three out of four, they also ended up giving us a Joker who has what might be the single stupidest master plan in the character's 75-year history. Seriously, after perfectly executing his scheme, he unveils his ultimate masterstroke, which is… turning himself into a giant drug monster and getting in a fist fight with the greatest hand to hand fighter in the world. Really, dude? Dumb things like this are why you never beat Batman!

10. The Batman Joker

The redesign of the Joker for The Batman is remembered as one of the most divisive missteps in the history of DC animation. Laboring under the shadow of the legendary Batman: The Animated Series, and stuck with the task of incorporating the "Batwave" gimmick of the accompanying toy line, designer Jeff Matsuda decided to go as far in the opposite direction as possible from Bruce Timm's sleek design from Batman: The Animated Series. The result wasn't very well received, to put it mildly, but Kevin Michael Richardson's take on the Joker actually had some really good stories, such as "The Laughing Bat," where Joker becomes a vigilante and uses Joke Venom to turn Batman into a bad guy so he has a supervillain to fight. That's pretty awesome.

9. LEGO: Gotham City Breakout Joker

Sometimes the Joker is a sinister, psychopathic murderer. And then other times, he's a goofy and delightfully manipulative weirdo who brings down an entire city armed only with a spoon. Joker stories that are actually funny are pretty rare these days, so having a version of The Joker as whimsical as Jason Spisak's take on the character is a rare treat. And the fact that this short also introduced his new side kick Spoony is a hilarious bonus.

8. Batman: Return of the Caped Crusaders Joker

Adam West, Burt Ward, and Julie Newmar returned to the roles of Batman, Robin, and Cat woman in Batman: Return of the Caped Crusaders. That was great, but the rest of the cast was given the unenviable task of playing specific versions of characters identified with actors who had died years before. For Jeff Bergman, that meant playing Cesar Romero playing the Joker. It was a high wire act, as Bergman had to be respectful of both Romero and Romero's take on the Joker, but Bergman nailed it in a performance that feels like a true tribute.

7. Batman: The Brave and the Bold Joker

Another show that had to follow in the footsteps of Batman: The Animated Series was Batman: The Brave and the Bold, which decided to embrace the character's lighter Silver Age phase from the comics of 50's and 60's. This Joker, which was voiced by Jeff Bennett, looked a lot like the work of legendary Batman artist Dick Sprang, and really shined in stories like the alternate world tale of Earth-3, where a heroic version of The Joker became the last superhero on Earth under the name The Red Hood.

6. Batman '89 Joker

Jack Nicholson's performance as the Joker in Tim Burton's 1989 Batman movie is pretty fantastic on almost every level. He's certainly the best part of the movie, with Nicholson's already-creepy grin accentuated by caked on makeup and some truly amazing fashion choices. And the scene where he trashes an art museum might be the most baller thing a supervillain has ever done. The only problem with this version of Joker is his alter-ego, Jack Napier. In the comics, a big part of Joker's originis the idea that some fundamental change in his personality occurred when he fell in that vat of acid. Here, though, he's pretty much already The Joker he even carries a deck of cards with him, and he's obviously a criminal.  And that undermines his arc. Otherwise, though, it's totally awesome.

5. Batman: Under the Red Hood

Even if you don't recognize his name, you're almost certainly familiar with John DiMaggio from his roles as Bender on Futurama, Jake the Dog on Adventure Time, and Aquaman on Batman: The Brave and the Bold. In 2010, he landed the role of the Joker in Under the Red Hood, and he didn't disappoint, delivering a Joker who delivers every line as though it is an actual joke, giving you the sense of someone who genuinely thinks that beating someone to death with a crowbar is hilarious. It's memorable in the creepiest of ways.

4. Batman '66 Joker

Pretty much everything about Cesar Romero's portrayal of the Joker on the 1966 Batman TV show is great, from the way he attacks every scene with manic, scenery-chewing glee to the way he twists his painted-on grin into a disappointed scowl when he's inevitably defeated. All the way down to the fact that Romero refused to shave his mustache for the part, instead caking on the clown makeup and leaving it completely visible in every episode. There's a panache and even a little menaceto the role that makes him one of the show's most memorable characters. Unfortunately, the show's writers were bigger fans of The Penguin and Catwoman, and Romero often got stuck in boring and forgettable stories which didn't allow him to really shine. A true shame.

3. LEGO Batman Movie Joker

Of all the Joker's appearances across movies and TV, who would've expected that the one that really went into whether his motivation stemmed from a twisted sort of love would be the one based on building block toys for tiny children? And yet here we are, in a world where that's not just acknowledged in the LEGO Batman Movie, but serves as the driving force for the entire plot. Zack Galifianakis nails the voicework too, making this modern Joker one of the best ever.

2. The Dark Knight Joker

Between the massive initial hype and the outpouring of grief following the untimely death of actor Heath Ledger, it can be a little difficult to judge his performance as The Joker on its own merits. But when you put aside all the baggage and really look at it, the truth becomes clear: it really is that good. The Joker of The Dark Knight is both terrifying and genuinely funny, but more than that, he's got an air of mystery that's almost impossible for a character so well-known to cultivate, with virtually every line he delivers turning out to be a carefully conceived, manipulative lie. Here's one truth you can bank on though: Ledger's Joker is one of the most influential and iconic movie villains of all time. But he's still not the best Joker of all time…

1. Batman: The Animated Series Joker

When you get right down to it, Batman: TheAnimated Series did everything right. The slick, stylish take on the Caped Crusader boiled everything down to essentials, and no character benefitted as much as the Joker. The Joker was frightening and funny, with a sweeping theatricality that came directly from Mark Hamill's amazing turn providing his voice. And the desire to give Hamill's Joker even more to do directly led to the creation of Harley Quinn, who has gone on to become one of DC's most popular characters. Add it all up and the Animated Series Jokerremains the definitive take on the character. And that's… no joke.

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