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Who would win, Enchantress (Marvel) or Enchantress (DC)?

 Who would win, Enchantress (Marvel) or Enchantress (DC)?

Two Enchantresses lock eyes, and they duke it out.

On the left, our opponent is Enchantress from the DC universe. She goes by the name June Moon, and she has shicznophrenia, which is a personality disorder. When her multiple identies combine, she’s the Enchantress.

She is pretty smart, as she was able to outsmart another sorcerer.

Able to kill hellhounds

Able to bypass the circle of protection

Keeps an individual in a time lock state for 72 hours

Has telekinesis

knock down Kyle Rayner

Deadman can not take control of her body

blast demons away

blows up the head of a pumpkin monster

Now, lets go to Enchantress from the Marvel Comics

Enchantress is an Asgardian sorcerers who studied under the best wizard in Asgard. She is able to bewitch Thor multiple times.

Whenever she kisses someone, they are under her control

doesn't need to be human as well.

She is able to bewitch Thor and make him fall under her spell once.

Did I ever mention she likes to kiss a lot? She kissed Captain America with Falcon watching.

kisses spider man on the cheek which makes him fall under her spell

Jeez louise, Enchantress is a freak.

Anywho, Enchantress has the power to calm hulk down once.

Able to seduce Vision (a robot)

Yeah, its kind of weird.

Able to seduce Skurge, a fellow Asgardian.

However, other individuals can resist her seduction like Loki

Dr. Strange was able to resist the spell, but barely.

Okay, now that we got through all that kissing feats aside, lets go for the fun stuff.

marvel enchantress can lift 25 tons

able to damage She-hulk

has knowledge in hand to hand combat, she took down thugs with no magic.

Able to teleport.

fast enough to dodge Ultrons attack.

Can fly fast enough to escape an explosion.

Able to survive a hit from Wonder Man (Wonder Man’s strength impresses Thor)

Teleports while being electrocuted

She has her own army of zombies

actually cause damage to Thor

Saves Thor and actually knocks out Hela

Knocks down the Thing

shields her teammates from Radiation Man’s blast.

Her shieilds can protect her from harm as well as detection

able to mentally summon the Avengers to Asgard

Affects Captain America from halfway across the globe.

Resist Loki’s magic

Has telekinesis, where she chokes Valkyrie by using her cape.

Able to manipulate Mjolnir even though she is not worthy.

When Ares started to annoy her, Enchantress just teleported him away.

Her voice can be heard before she’s teleporting.

In Asgard, she sends Thor and Iron Man to Earth.

Can teleport while weakened from battle

Can open portals at will

Use portals to view locations far away

Send Thor to the moon

open a portal to Asgard

She has reality manipulation as she can transform Valkyrie (a powerful Asgard warrior)’s legs into wood

Turned a man into a tree

Enchantress can turn invisible

Paralyze Lady Sif (an Asgardian warrior)

she can raise the dead

She is able to phase through walls

Well that was pretty long.

Alright, now who do I think would win between Enchantress (Marvel) vs Enchantress (Dc Comics).

Well isn't it obvious? Enchantress would win!

okay, you want to be more specific. Isnt the answer obvious? It has to be Enchantress (Marvel Comics)

You know how skill Amora the Enchantress is? Enchantress (Marvel comics) is top 20 wizards in Asgard.

Dr. Strange admits that Enchantress magic is extremely powerful. Now, Dr. Doom is the most selfish and egotistical human being in the universe, so when he admits your skill, then you’re a dangerous opponent (although he does note that there are other magic users that are more stronger than Enchantress)

She managed to seduce and banged Thor so good that he would literally do anything for her.

He turned Thor, a fricking GOD, into her slave for a period of time. I mean, that's ridiculous.

Not to mention, but Enchantress just outclasses DC Enchantress in every single way. She is physically stronger (able to hurt She-Hulk), can take hard hits.

She is more skilled in magic attacks. You think DC Enchantress attack on a pumpkin monster’s head is impressive?

She can shrink Giant Man.

Marvel Enchantress can summon an army out of thin air

She can turn trees into warriors

She can create warriors made out of the Earth

Able to switch Captain Marvel and Dr. Strange bodies

I also want to mention, that all of those feats take place on Earth. Because in order for Enchantress to reach her full power, she needs to be in Asgard. So all of those ridiculous feats are Enchantress not even at full power.

Amora the Enchantress has so many advantages. She can summon out her army, she can just teleport DC Enchantress to Asgard, where she’s at full power. After all, Enchantress can create portals to Asgard.

DC Enchantress is just a woman who got possessed by an evil spirit and is a sorcerer.

Meanwhile, Enchantress (Marvel Comics) is literally a god who specializes in magic. She has more stronger, powerful, skilled, experienced, faster, and has higher durability. Amora the Enchantress can take control of gods. She can create armies out of thin air. She can transform earth and trees into warriors. She can shrink individuals or knock them out in one hit. Amora can create portals out of her own will, she also has better hand to hand combat. Amora has actually defeated powerful enemies.

Amora can just do so many things to tire DC Enchantress, and knock her out. There are just so many options.

The winner is Enchantress (Marvel Comics).

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