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Who would win in a no-weapons melee fight between Thor and Wonder Woman?

 Who would win in a no-weapons melee fight between Thor and Wonder Woman?

😂😂😂 I can't stop laughing after seeing this question.

Let's talk about DCEU wonder woman

She has hard time pushing two trucks and was restrain by Ordinary metal scrapes by ares. However she manage to pickup a tank but she is further downgraded by writter without the ability of flight and less strength compare to Superman.

While in modern day comics she can fly rip out tanks . But she is no match against comics version of thor.

Now Thor

In MCU movie Thor ragnarok. We saw what thor is cappable of without his weapons.

In comics rune king thor

The rune king thor have the power to manipulate time and can stop the fabric of time, can shatter reality, create reality and prevent such reality, and can absorb black holes and can even ressurect other with rune magic.

So thor wins in both scenario of comics and movie.

Few followers asked me for more indepth reason for this outcome hence here is the limitations and inaacuracies of wonder woman.

Here are some inaccuracies.


Wonder woman most Powerful weapon

God killer is not as Powerful as it looks

Even without her bracelet she was able to block god killer with minnor scratch

Thor's most Powerful weapon envolve Jarnbjohn in comics

while stormbreaker in movie since they both can Kill and hurt any omnipotent entity.

While many people might not know Odin is not an idiot and mjolnir always belongs to thor there might be many worthy but that will be short while so even the like of superman and wonder woman won't be able to weild it against Thor.


Wonder woman speed

Except the silver age comics wonder woman top speed is 8000 mph in silver age it was cosider slightly below the speed of light.

Thor speed

Thor is a god, and when wielding Mjolnir, he can travel at ludicrous speeds. But how fast is he, exactly? In some versions, Thor is not only one of the strongest characters in the Marvel Universe, but he is also one of the fastest, which is evident by his ability to travel faster than the speed of light.

Moving that fast has allowed Thor to take down Quicksilver X men version, who is a lot faster than Marvel version which is due to him being able to track objects moving at several times the speed of light. Whenever Thor flies in the movies, you'll notice him spin Mjolnir at an intense speed. In the comics, if he uses that speed with his cape, instead, he'll be able to create hurricane-like winds.


Wonder woman god rage

When her bracelet are removed or damaged she goes under god rage however at same it didn't work

Later on DC writters considered it as weakness hence it has been remove from story

Thor warrior madness

Gives him various power and increased his ability and power many folds.


Wonder woman armour

You can quite clearly see that armour is not protecting her Entirely is made of Heaphaestus.

Even golden armour is not protecting her hand and legs hence an easy target.

While thor

Covered like a tank with asgardian Steel and is powered by rune.


Wonder woman healing factor

Super healing has been one of Wonder Woman’s many strengths in the comics and in the films. After the beach battle, Diana has gash on her arm which quickly healed with no sign it had ever been there in the first place. It was one of the first things in the film’s that Diana isn’t just an Amazon like the rest of the island.However it is not as strong as Deadpool, wolverine or thor.

Thor healing factor

Thor has similar feats in healing just like wonder woman with one exception that is he heals instantly if he holds his hammer or stormbreaker.


Witchmarked Wonder Woman

when Diana absorbed a portion of Hecate's power, she was able to rip holes in reality with a gesture, effortlessly opening portals, moving mountains with subconscious thoughts, etc., and she redefined death and magick.

Constantine even commented that at that time, she was more powerful than any god had ever been.

this seems like a pretty easy call to make.


Rune king thor

He easily destroyed Yggdrasil, the World Tree.

It was later revealed to contain infinite universes, making it a multiverse.

The World Tree also exists in every plane of reality.

He defeated Those Who Sit Above In Shadow.

Celestial beings that fed of the energies of the Norse gods for millions of years.

Loki believes they can be Beyonders.

This may not be false.

See any similarities?

Odin feared them, yet the All-Father dared to face 9 Celestials.

And Galactus.

Oh, and did you know that Those Who Sit Above In Shadow were gods to the Norse gods, including Odin?

Yeah, they returned several years later, albeit much weaker, but they were still defeated and surpassed by the Rune King.

Rune King Thor held back Mangog with one arm.

Then proceeded to erase the beast from existence effortlessly.

This embodiment of a billion billion souls is so strong even Odin cannot defeat him.

That is the Destroyer armour Mangog is ripping apart, which has sliced Mjolnir in half.

Rune King Thor ripped off Loki’s head and kept him alive, while the body died.

He tore dimensional barriers of the Realms with a single blast, creating a path from Muspelheim to Valhalla.

Rune King Thor ended the Ragnarok Cycle and destroyed the Tapestry of Fate, something Odin also failed to do.

Ragnarok is an endless cycle of death and rebirth, which even gods as powerful as Odin were bound to for all eternity.

Rune King Thor gained nigh-omniscience, thanks to the Rune Magic and the knowledge from the well of Mimir.

Rune King Thor is more powerful than not only every version of Thor, but also probably every Marvel superhero.


Wonder woman

Except sliver age and few older version of comics

Wonder woman can not breathe in space and under water

She required an appratus to breathe under water for long time while she can hold her breathe in space and under water for long time but eventually she will need help

While thor is the son of odin hence has power to survived Anywhere while his mother Gaea is Elder Goddess of Earth hence there is nothing on Earth that can Kill him while his step mother Frigga gave knowlege of magic.

Finally many fans will say why not envolve silver age wonder woman strength because they you Must also consider all those poor weakness like


Bound by man

And many such folly but even you did that she is no match for rune king thor.

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